This is not a hearing test! For a real hearing test, consult your primary care doctor or an audioloigist. This post is meant only to pique your interest in people’s hearing ranges, and not to dispense any medical advice.
For a bit of novelty and learning about how your hearing changes as you age, check out this website. Record Builds has posted a series of sounds at different frequencies, that will help you judge your auditory range.
To begin, just scroll down on their testing site and find the blue Start button. Try it out to see what range of sound you can (still) hear. This “test” is most enjoyable with a roomful of people of varied ages: kids, teens, adults and grandfolk — you’ll be surprised at who can hear what!
If this sort of thing interests you, check out these other sites. And consider searching YouTube for phrases like “hearing age”, “mosquito tone” and “How old is your hearing?” And again, if you feel you have significant presbycusis, consult a medical professional.