Shentel Email users, beware the latest email scam coming to your inboxes!:

This message is not from Shentel! If you look closely, you’ll see it came from an odd address ending in “”. DO NOT CLICK the Update button, as it will take you to a deceptive website.
I’ll show that website here, without putting you at any risk:

At a quick glance, this site looks legit, because they’ve stolen the Shentel logo, as well as the new Shentel Webmail icon. And the URL (web address) even has “Shentel” in it. It all feels very familiar…. But a address is something anyone can create, so this website was created by a bad actor. A true Shentel website would end in “” or “”.
If you received this message and went to this website, I hope that you didn’t fill out the fields. Anyone who types in an email and password on that site is actually delivering their logon credentials directly to some scammers. They will immediately log into your Shentel email at their true webmail site, and start abusing your address. I don’t yet know what these guys are up to, but email phishers often start emailing everyone in your address book with other ploys and lies.
If your email has been compromised, call Shentel immediately at 1-800-SHENTEL, and ask their tech support to change your password and inspect your account for other nefarious changes. And if you need any extra help, consider BlueScreen Computer as your backup option!