Federal law makes it so you may obtain free credit reports, once a year. AnnualCreditReport.com is the easiest site for obtaining your credit reports. ACR is simple and straightforward, and will pace you through to each of the big 3 credit reporting agencies, to collect each record.
There are other websites and companies that may offer something similar, but most of them are looking to make a buck. They may sell your personal info, or start sending you spam. AnnualCreditReport.com has a pretty decent privacy policy, and does not exploit your PII. They’ve never spammed me. I always start there.
But not everyone is comfortable requesting this kind of info over the internet. Or you may encounter an error requesting a particular report. If that’s the case, there are other options. You can mail in a form to obtain your credit reports, or you can call 1-877-322-8228.
PS: In October 2023, the big three credit reporting agencies made a permanent change to allow you free credit reports once a week.
PPS: I am amazed to learn that you can also get your reports in Braille, Large-Print and Audio format! If you need one of those options, check out this page at AnnualCreditReport.com for instructions.
Im concerned about putting my ss no “out there” Should I be ????
Yes, that should always be a concern! But I can vouch for this website, it is legitimate and will not abuse your identity or private personal information.
But you don’t have to take my word for it, here’s the federal government’s statement about the website: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-get-a-copy-of-my-credit-reports-en-5/
And if you still don’t care to type your SSN on the web, you can always pursue your credit reports by calling or mailing (also shown on that link). Whatever you’re comfortable with!
Thanks so much !!!