Pirate Ship for Cheaper Postage

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Have ye heard of PirateShip.com? Avast, me hearties: If yer shipping out lots of booty, say, from yer eBay or Etsy stores, this could save you lots of doubloons!

At Pirate Ship, you can create a free account for calculating and creating shipping labels for your outbound parcels. It can quickly give you all of your pricing options, through various carriers (USPS, UPS, Fedex, etc.). If you compare prices here versus the prices at the counter or website of the USPS, you’re going to see a difference. It may only be a dollar or two, but that adds up if you’re in e-commerce! Or sending out lots of holiday packages…

And again, this is a free service, with no obligations or monthly fees. You can easily price-compare between Pirate Ship, USPS, eBay and Etsy shipping, and find the one that saves you the most money.

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