What’s Your Status, Apple?

Today, Apple began to release a major OS update to its users. MacOS 11.0, aka Big Sur, was released for public download. It weighs in at 12GB, so it may be understandable that when systems all over the world began to receive it, it put a bit of strain on Apple’s servers. At times, the downloads slowed or failed, and other Apple systems were affected, including iMessage and Apple Pay.

Apple is working to resolve things, so that it will reach all of its customers. But they’ve never released an update of this size before, so we may still be in for a bumpy ride. In case there are other Apple-related outages or issues, you should know about their System Status page:

Apple System Status

Visit this page at any time to learn if any Apple services are down, limited or recently repaired. And if you ever need to reach Apple, here’s their official support page.

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