Vote by Mail

The pandemic has many citizens looking to vote by mail this autumn, and the time to get ready for this is now. If voting by mail is permitted in your state, it will take some paperwork & waiting to get you confirmed for it.

For those interested, go to and choose the state in which you are eligible to vote in. Search that state’s election website for more info on “absentee voting” or mail-in voting. Each state may have a different procedure for you to sign up, if you want to vote by mail.

For my state (VA), I had to be a registered voter to even start this process. Then I had to apply to vote by mail. After waiting some weeks, my application arrived. I filled it out and sent it in to my local registrar. That registrar will verify my info and later send me an official mail-in ballot for voting.

The process isn’t hard, but it also isn’t as quick and simple as ordering a pizza. So don’t wait until the last minute!

Any Virginian who votes by mail can check their ballot (and entire voting history) at:

If you’re in another state, check your state’s elections site for similar tracking!

1 thought on “Vote by Mail”

  1. Thanks Jesse.
    The safest way to vote in 2020 is to request ballot online as you suggest. Then when it arrives (Sept 19) HAND DELIVER to Registrar any day til Nov 3. ShenCo. Registrar is 600 N Main Street


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