Category: Maps

Download Maps for Offline Use

Many of us use our cellphones for mapping, exploring and generally finding our way around. But there are times when you can’t or won’t be able to rely on your cellular connection for pulling up instant GPS directions. In certain situations, you’ll want to plan ahead and download maps for offline use.

Before you leave home, you’ll want to open your maps-app of choice, and load up the region that you plan on travelling to. Your app will have the ability to pre-download all the mapping info for that territory, while you are on your Wi-Fi or connected to regular cellular signal. Later, while travelling, your GPS directions will work using the data stored on your phone.

Apple has instructions for their Maps app, under iOS, here. And if you are using Google Maps, check out this article.

There are a variety of reasons you might want to proactively download your maps in this way:

  • You are going to travel through a region with poor cellular signal.
  • Your cellular plan has a very low data allowance and you are trying to avoid going over and incurring fees.
  • Your trip is taking you through a country where your plan may not allow you data usage.

Santa Tracking

This time of year, some of you want to keep tabs on the Big Guy. If anyone in your house absolutely needs to know his status, check out these Santa Tracking sites:

  • NORAD Tracks Santa – this is the classic program, started by NORAD in the 50’s. Also check this site for links to all their social media pages.
  • Google Santa Tracker – if you want something with more bells and whistles, Google has you covered. Besides a live map of Santa’s whereabouts, there’s games, music, stories and activities for your smol person to enjoy.
santa tracking

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! helps you find places that don’t charge to use their automobile air pump. gives you a map of locations near you (or a specific address or zip code) where you can fill your tires for free.

This site is powered by user-submitted info. If you know of a store offering free use of an air pump, but it doesn’t show on the FreeAirPump map, make sure to send it in!

The Native Land Website

native land website

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day! The Native Land website is a wonderful research tool, for anyone interested in Native American or Indigenous Tribes of the world:

Native Land Digital

This website lets you explore the globe (or enter an address) to find a wealth of information about Indigenous Peoples and their history. You can find tribe names, boundary information, treaty-related history and links to modern websites of many tribes.

Whether you’re researching your own family history or teaching a future generation, this website may hold a ton of valuable information for you!

Fall Foliage Prediction Maps

I love maps. Some mapping geniuses have created these interactive fall foliage prediction maps. Now you can know when and where the autumn colors will be at their finest:

Smoky’s Fall Foliage Prediction Map’s Fall Foliage Map

You might also find foliage maps specific to individual states at this link.

I hope these help with your travel plans this year and in the future. Happy Autumn, everybody!

fall foliage prediction map

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